Opening Up Fern Lodge

Steps for opening up the house in the spring.

Turn on breakers:

Connect all toilet feed lines (4)
Connect washing machine feed lines (red to H, blue to C)
Feed washing machine discharge hose into drain pipe in wall
Use adjustable wrench in plate cupboard (or in small center drawers)
Make sure valves on bottom of water heater and pressure tank are off
Make sure valve in sawdust under store-room floor is off

Turn on water pump breaker
Water will start to flow through the system
Turn off outside spigot by front door first
Close valves at drain tubes by staircase off of end porch
Go through house and turn off cold water valves
Hot water will continue to “spit” for a while until the hot water tank is filled

Once hot water is running smoothly (usually kitchen sink is last to flow), turn on Hot Water breaker